Talkin' Tar Heel: How Our Voices Tell the Story of North Carolina

Talkin' Tar Heel: How Our Voices Tell the Story of North Carolina

“North Carolina has a remarkable, living history that lingers on the tongues of its citizenry...In addition to its dialect varieties, over twenty-­‐five different languages are part of the language legacy of North Carolina” (Talkin’ Tar Heel, p. 21).In this lesson, students will examine the linguistic aspect of North Carolina history and culture—its languages and dialects—whichis often overlooked. In class discussions based on excerpts from the book Talkin’ Tar Heel: How Our Voices Tell the Story of North Carolina, and video and audio clips, students will consider how we speak may be a reflection of our past and present, as well as how languages and dialects provide a fascinating way to understand North Carolina’s rich and diverse cultural heritage.This lesson will culminate with students applying what they have learned to create their own personal dictionary, with an emphasis on regional and personal dialect and language. Use the links below to access the 5 "Talkin' Tar Heel" lessons:

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Essential Questions: 
Why is language important?
What can language tell us about North Carolina's past, present, and future?
In what ways do the voices of North Carolina reflect the state's diversity?
What stereotypes exist or what assumptions are made based on a person's language?
How is language and dialect tied to geography?
What specific geographical aspets of North Carolina may have shaped the ways people speak and why?
What are some causes of dialects evolving and changing?
What role has technology had on language over the years?
Why is linguistic tolerance important?