Tales and Trails of Betrayal: America’s Indian Removal Policies

Tales and Trails of Betrayal: America’s Indian Removal Policies

Students will examine America’s Indian removal policies, including the events leading up to the passage of Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Act and the effect this had on Native Americans. Through class discussion, an interactive Power Point presentation, and the examination of primary source documents from the 1830s, students will gain an understanding of the political strategies, perspectives, culture clashes, and historical consequences of this time period. Additionally, students will explore the impact of forced removal during the Trail of Tears through art examination, art creation, and creative writing.

To access the accompanying PPT, click here.

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Essential Questions: 
What were the varying perspectives concerning Native Americans during the beginning years of the European settlement of America?
In what ways did America’s Indian removal policies evolve throughout the 1800s?
What political strategies did Andrew Jackson’s administration employ in their quest for Native American land?
What was the Indian Removal Act of 1830 and how did it affect Native Americans?
How did the Trail of Tears have an impact on the Cherokee and other Native Americans?