Plessy v. Ferguson & the Roots of Segregation

Plessy v. Ferguson & the Roots of Segregation

The Jim Crow Era had a lastingimpact on the history of the United States, but how far back and forward do the roots of Jim Crow and segregationextend? In actuality, Jim Crow was in existence (under different names, such as slave codes and black codes) since the founding of America, the infamous Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) playing a major role in entrenching segregation throughout America. Relatedly, the fight for civil rights started well before the typical assumption that that it was a movement of the 1950s-1960s, and continues today. Through a Power Point overview and discussion, students will learn about the history of segregation and Jim Crow laws, starting with a review of the slave codes thentracing the development of such laws all the way to the infamous Supreme Court decision in Plessy V. Ferguson. Students will then focus on one particular topic concerning the history of segregation and create an exhibit for a class museum on segregation.

The accompanying PPT can be found, here.

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Essential Questions: 
What is segregation and what impact has it had throughout history to today?
What did slave codes prevent enslaved people from doing and why?
How did the slave codes inform the post-Civil War black codes?
What impact did the Dred Scott v. Sanford decision have on Black and white Americans?
What was the purpose of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments and what impact did the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, as well as other Reconstruction legislation, have on African Americans during Reconstruction?
In what ways were the rights gained by African Americans during Reconstruction rolled back during the post-Reconstruction years?
What was the argument in Plessy v. Ferguson and how did the US Supreme Court rule?
In what ways did “separate but equal” open the door for further unjust laws and discrimination?
How have individuals and groups resisted the injustice of Jim Crow and segregation throughout history?