Lumbee Fight for Justice: the Battle of Hayes Pond in Maxton, NC

Lumbee Fight for Justice: the Battle of Hayes Pond in Maxton, NC

Little known about our state’s history is the brave confrontation North Carolina’s Lumbee staged to protest at KKK rally near Maxton, NC on the night of January 18, 1958. In this lesson, students learn about North Carolina’s Lumbee and their heroic resistance to hatred and bigotry on this night, known as “The Battle of Hayes Pond.”Students will explore the night’s events as well as design an active citizenship award to honor the Lumbee for their vigilance in fighting for their rights.

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Essential Questions: 
Who are the Lumbee and what is their history in North Carolina?
What took place between the KKK and the Lumbee in Maxton, NC on January 18, 1958?
Who were James “Catfish” Cole and Simeon Oxendine?How would you characterize these men?
Why is it important to remember and honor the brave actions of the Lumbee in standing up to the Klan?