The 1898 Coup in Wilmington, NC

The 1898 Coup in Wilmington, NC

1898 Wilmington, NC saw the nation’s only successful coup d'état in history, when the state's white Southern Democrats conspired and led a mob of over 2,000 white men to overthrow the legitimately elected local Fusionist government. They unjustly expelled opposing black and white political leaders from the city. The white mob destroyed the property and businesses of black citizens (businesses that had been started after the Civil War and were thriving), including the only black newspaper in the city. Using terrorist strategies, they killed an estimated 60 to possibly more than 300 people. In this lesson, students will learn about the events of the 1898white supremacy campaign and coupvia a Power Point presentation, analyzing primary source documents, and class discussion. Students will explorethe role of propaganda and spin in instigating the white supremacist events of 1898 and will discuss the importance of learning about such history. This lesson will culminate with students creating a memorial design for teaching about the 1898 coup and honoring those impacted.

To access the accompanying PPT, click here.

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Essential Questions: 
Why was Wilmington, NC considereda symbol of ‘black hope’ in the late 19thcentury?
What were the events of the 1898 white supremacist campaign and coup in Wilmington, NC
Compare and contrast the Democratic, Republican, Populist, and Fusionist Parties of 1898
What effect did propaganda and spin have on the unfolding of 1898 events?
How did the events of 1898 impactblack progress, both in Wilmington and around the entire state?
What are the most effective ways to remember the events of 1898 and elevate the voices ofthose who experienced the violence of white supremacy and racism?